Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December Meeting

So our second meeting went pretty well.  It was a smaller group tonight but we still had a great time.  I'm sorry for those of you that were unable to come at the last minute.  You were missed and hopefully we'll see you next month.  Thank you to Amy Jo for the lasagna and Ashlee for the brownies.  The food was all fantastic.

There was a lot of good discussion about The Thirteenth Tale.  All the girls rated it either 3 or 4 on scale of 5.  I think the book left us with a lot of things to talk about - twins, ghosts, Jane Eyre, etc.  For those of you who weren't able to make it I have a question.  Was it Adeline or Emmeline that was saved from the fire? :) We were split in our answers tonight.

Amy Jo brought our book options this month and we've picked...Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.

If you've already read this book I still hope you'll come and discuss it with us next month.  We are meeting on January 19th.  We are going to move the time to 6:45 instead of 6:30.    Also, let me know if you'd be willing to bring a side dish or appetizer/snack next month.  Amy Jo is going to be in charge of leading the book discussion.  It's Ashlee's turn to bring book choices and Ashlyne has graciously agreed to take care of dessert.  

I hope everyone has a great Christmas!  Happy Reading!  


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

13th Tale Discussion Questions

So I don't know about you but I  am loving this book so far.  I'm almost half way through and I can't wait to find out how these characters develop.  The whole Charlie/Isabelle relationship is so twisted and those twin   Below are the discussion questions we'll use during the next meeting - just in case you wanted to know the sort of things we would be talking about.  It's helped me to read the questions as I've read the book.  I've noticed certain elements or symbols that I might have missed otherwise.

I can't wait to see you all on the 15th!


1.        Books play an important role in The Thirteenth Tale. Discuss Margaret and Miss Winter's relationships to books and stories. Could you relate with them? What is your relationship to books? Do you agree with Miss Winter that stories can reveal truth better than simply stating it?
2.        The two houses in The Thirteenth Tale--Angelfield and Miss Winter's estate--are prominent in the story. How do the houses reflect the characters who live in them? What do you think they represent?
3.        Why do you think Margaret obeyed Miss Winter's summons?
4.        Miss Winter asks Margaret if she would like to hear a ghost story. Who are the ghosts in the story? In what ways are different characters haunted (Margaret, Miss Winter, Aurelius)?
5.        Why do you think Margaret's sister's death affected her so profoundly? Why do you think she was able to move beyond it at the end of the novel?
6.        After Mrs. Dunne and John Digence die, Miss Winter says "the girl in the mist" emerges. Did you believe that Adeline had matured? If not, did you suspect the true identity of the character?
7.        When did you first suspect Miss Winter's true identity? Were you surprised? Looking back, what clues did she give you?
8.        Do you think Adeline or Emmeline was saved from the fire?
9.        What is the significance of Jane Eyre to the story?
10.     Do you think it is harder to keep a secret or confess the complete truth?
11.     Were you satisfied with the way the story ended for various characters--Aurelius, Hester, Margaret?
12.     Rate The Thirteenth Tale on a scale of 1 to 5.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Meeting!

Hey Ladies!  Thank you all for coming tonight.  I think our first meeting went really well.  I am so excited for our little book club and to get to know you all better.  Thank you for being patient with my nervous babbling.  Having never started a book club before I was a little unsure of exactly what I was supposed to be doing :)  Hopefully you enjoyed yourself anyway.

 Just as a recap for anybody that wasn't able to make it tonight we've decided to meet every third Wednesday of the month at my house in Bountiful.  Our next meeting will be on December 15th.  We also selected our first book.  We are going to be reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.

 I can't wait to read this book.  The reviews say that it is a book lover's book - a good story written by a good writer about a good writer writing a good story.  Whatever that is supposed to mean.  It should be great.

We also set up assignments for the next meeting.  Amy Jo will be bringing her book options for us to pick the next book.  She is also in charge of the main course in our meal.  Kaley will be bringing the appetizer/snack and Ashlee is bringing dessert.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and be safe if you are traveling.  I'll put up the discussion questions in a few weeks if you want to look through them before we meet again.  It might give you some idea as to what we'll actually be talking about.

Take care and we'll see you soon!
