Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May Book Choice

Hola Ladies!

So I am sitting upstairs in my house, wrapped up in a blanket and still freezing cold.  I'm really starting to get annoyed with the weather in Northern Utah.  Just had to put that out there.  I had so much fun at the meeting tonight.  A lot of our regulars weren't able to make it tonight but thankfully we had some new faces so there was still a good group.  I was happy to welcome Jaymee and Michelle to our little club.  I hope to see both of them next month.  Michelle confessed that she can be a little flaky but I'm sure Jaymee will keep her in line :)
Also, thank you to Jaymee for dessert and Rachel for bringing the chips.  

I was surprised to see that we had some widely varying opinions of Something Borrowed. A few of the girls loved it while others didn't enjoy the book at all. I think the general consensus was that the affair between Rachel and Dex was pretty messed up but they we still wanted the two of them to end up together anyway.  But really, what kind of girl has an affair with her best friend's fiancé? 

Anyway, Rachel brought along her book choices for this month.  We ended up going with The Hourglass Door by Lisa Magnum.

Rachel has read this book before but says it is really interesting.  It has a lot of historical elements that are fun to learn.  It is the first book in a series...the third is set to come out in June.  It is also more in the category of a young-adult fiction so it should be a fast, easy read.  Should be exciting!

Our next meeting is set for June 15th at 6:45.  Jaymee has agreed to bring the book choices. She's only been to one meeting and I'm already putting her to work! Lol...  I am really hoping the weather will be nice by June so that we can have our meeting outside in our little backyard.  We've finally got it all fixed so we can actually entertain out there.  Keep your fingers crossed.   I hope all of you have a great month!

Happy Reading!


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