Hey Ladies,
Another monthly meeting has come and gone. Again, we had a really small turnout but there was still no lack of conversation. Water for Elephants definitely gave us plenty to talk about. I think my favorite thing to talk about was the August/Rosie relationship. I felt so bad for Rosie. August was such an evil man. Also, how in the world do you teach an elephant Polish! :)
I'm sorry that more people haven't been able to make it to the meetings. On Wednesday we discussed possibly needing to find a different night of the week to meet. Is there anyone that would be able to come more often if we switched days? Also, we are interested in inviting more people to join as well so please bring your friends along if you have any that would enjoy meeting with us. I really do look forward to our meeting each month and I hope we can keep it going.
Ashlee Hunter brought her book choice this month and we have picked The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins as the next book to read.
Apparently The Hunger Games series is pretty popular. Quite a few book clubs are reading it. I'm really excited to get started. Knowing me, I'll have read all 3 in the series by next month's meetings if it's really as good as everyone says it is.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 23rd at 6:45 pm. We are meeting a week later in February because a few of us will be out of town. Ashlyne Hunter is in charge of bringing the book choices. Let me know if any of you would be willing to bring dessert.
Hope you have a great month. Happy Reading!
I loved the Hunger Games! I read all 3 of them in about a week...